socube.utils package


socube.utils.concurrence module


A decorator for asynchronous method


func (Callable) – The function to be decorated as asynchronous.


  • a new function. If it is called under ParallelManager, it will be

  • executed in a process pool.


>>> @parallel
    def func(*args, **kwargs):
>>> parallelFunc = parallel(func)
class socube.utils.concurrence.ParallelManager(verbose: bool = False, max_workers: int = 8, paral_type: str = 'thread', raise_error: bool = True)

Bases: socube.utils.context.ContextManagerBase

A context manager for multi-thread. In this context, Multiple thread is enable will be set as True and enable multi-thread for function decorated with parallel. Multi-level nesting is allowed, and each level has an independent asynchronous task pool. When exiting the context, it will wait for the tasks in the current asynchronous task pool to complete.

  • verbose (bool) – Whether to print log.

  • max_workers (int) – The maximum number of workers in the asynchronous task pool.

  • paral_type (str) – The type of asynchronous task pool. Only support “thread” and “process”.

  • raise_error (bool) – Whether to raise error when the task is not completed. Default is True. If you do not want interrupt the program, set it to False.


>>> with ThreadManager() as tm:
        # Here is you code
        asynFunc1(*args)  # this function is decorated with `parallel`
        with tm:
            asynFunc2(*args)  # this function is decorated with `parallel`
        print("asynFunc2 finished") # this code will not be executed util asynFunc2 finished.
    print("asynFunc1 finished")  # this code will not be executed util asynFunc1finished.
submit(func: Callable, *args, **kwargs) → concurrent.futures._base.Future

Add a task to the asynchronous task pool. For muti-thread task, you can use parallel decorator instead. But it not support multi-process task.

socube.utils.context module

class socube.utils.context.ContextManagerBase

Bases: object

Basical interface for context manager.

socube.utils.exception module

class socube.utils.exception.ExceptionManager(mail_service: socube.utils.mail.MailService = None, is_continue: bool = False, ignore_keyboard_interrupt: bool = False, ignore_normal_system_exit: bool = True)

Bases: socube.utils.context.ContextManagerBase

A context manager to deal with exception and notify users if it is required. Any exception occurred within this context will be catched and send notification email to user if mailService is not equal to ‘None’. You use it as following.

  • mail_service (MailService) – A MailService object used to send email to users, If None, no email will be sent

  • is_continue (bool) – If continue to run this program when an error occurred.

  • ignore_keyboard_interrupt (bool) – If true, it will ignore keyboard interrupt signal, such as “Ctrl + C”. It prevent quit program by pressing keyboard unexpectedly. But it also is a shortcoming when you want to terminate program.


>>> mailService = MailService(...)
>>> with ExceptionManager(mailService)
>>>     a = 1/0  # will throw ZeroDivideError
setMailService(mail_service: socube.utils.mail.MailService) → None

Set the mail service object.

setNormalInfo(text: str) → None

Set the notification email when quiting context without any exception occurred. This can be used to send a processing result. Result should as short as possible.


email main text (text) –

>>> with ExceptionManager(mailService) as em:
>>>     # Here are some processing codes
>>>     em.setNormalInfo("Prcoessing results") module str, exists_warning: bool = False) → str

Check whether path existed in the file system. And generate a unique path by add index at the end of raw path.

  • path (str) – The raw path to be checked.

  • exists_warning (bool) – Whether to print warning when the path is existed.


Return type

str, the unique path.


>>> # pkgs/lapjv-1.3.1.tar.gz already existed
>>> uniquePath("pkgs/lapjv-1.3.1.tar.gz")
>>> # pkgs/lapjv-1.3.1.tar.gz already existed and
>>> # pkgs/lapjv-1.3.1.tar(1).gz already existed
>>> uniquePath("pkgs/lapjv-1.3.1.tar.gz")
'pkgs/lapjv-1.3.1.tar(2).gz' str) → None

Create a directory if it not exists. If the parent is not existed, it will be created as well.


path (str) – The path to be created.


>>> #parent is not existed
>>> mkDirs("parent/target/") str) → None

Remove a directory or file.


path (str) – The path to be removed.


>>> rm("targetFile") str, types: str = 'file', raise_error: bool = True) → bool

Check whether a file or directory is existed.

  • path (str) – The path to be checked.

  • types (str) – The type of the path. “file” or “dir”.

  • raise_error (bool) – Whether to raise error when the path is not existed.


Return type

bool, whether the path is existed.


>>> checkExist("/public/file")
>>> checkExist("/public/home/", types="dir")
>>> checkExist("/public/home/", types="dir", raiseError=False) Union[pandas.core.generic.NDFrame, numpy.ndarray], file: str, callback: Optional[Callable] = None, **kwargs) → None

Write ndarray or any instance of NDFrame to a CSV file.

  • data (Union[NDFrame, np.ndarray]) – The data to be written.

  • file (str) – The path to be written.

  • callback (Optional[Callable]) – The callback function to be called after writing.

  • **kwargs – The keyword arguments to be passed to pandas.DataFrame.to_csv.


>>> ndarray = np.array([1, 2, 3])
>>> writeCsv(ndarray, "ndarray.csv", callback=lambda:print("Finish"))
>>> series = pd.Series(ndarray)
>>> writeCsv(series, "series.csv") numpy.ndarray, file: str, callback: Optional[Callable] = None, allow_pickle: bool = True, **kwargs)

Write ndarray to NPY binary file. NPY format is numpy’s specific file format.

  • data (np.ndarray) – The data to be written.

  • file (str) – The path to be written.

  • callback (Optional[Callable]) – The callback function to be called after writing.

  • allow_pickle (bool) – Wether to allow use pickle to serialize python object.

  • **kwargs – The keyword arguments to be passed to


>>> ndarray = np.array([1, 2, 3])
>>> writeNpy(ndarray, "ndarray.npy") pandas.core.generic.NDFrame, file: str, key='data', mode='w', callback: Optional[Callable] = None, **kwargs)

Write NDFrame instance to a HDF5 binary format file.

  • data (NDFrame) – The data to be written.

  • file (str) – The path to be written.

  • key (str) – The key to be used to store the data.

  • mode (str) – The mode to be used to open the file.

  • callback (Optional[Callable]) – The callback function to be called after writing.

  • **kwargs – The keyword arguments to be passed to pandas.DataFrame.to_hdf.


>>> data = pd.DataFrame({"a": [1, 2, 3], "b": [4, 5, 6]})
>>> writeHdf(data, "data.hdf", callback=lambda:print("Finish")) torch.nn.modules.module.Module, file: str, skipped: bool = True, verbose=False)

Load a torch module from a file.

  • module (torch.nn.Module) – The module waited to be updated.

  • file (str) – The module file path.

  • skipped (bool) – Whether to skip the loading of the module when the file is not existed.

  • verbose (bool) – Whether to print the loading message.

class str, verbose: bool = True)

Bases: socube.utils.context.ContextManagerBase

A context manager to redirect stdout and stderr.

  • target (str) – The redirect target file.

  • verbose (bool) – Whether to print the redirect message.


>>> with Redirect("stdout.txt", verbose=True):
>>>     print("Hello")
>>>     print("World")
class Dict[str, pandas.core.generic.NDFrame] = {}, verbose: bool = False)

Bases: socube.utils.context.ContextManagerBase

A context manager to save important data.

  • reports (Dict[str, NDFrame]) – a dictionary of reports, key is report filename, value is a NDFrame object waited to be saved.

  • verbose (bool) – Whether to print the saving message. If True, ReportManager will work in silence.


>>> with ReportManager({"report1": df1, "report2": df2}, verbose=True) as rm:
>>>     print("Hello")
>>>     print("World")
>>>     rm.addReports("report1", df3)
>>>     rm.addReports("report2", df4)
addReports(reports: Dict[str, pandas.core.generic.NDFrame]) → None

add new reports in context


reports (Dict[str, NDFrame]) – a dictionary of reports, key is report filename, value is a NDFrame object waited to be saved.

updateReportName(old: str, new: str) → None

Update the name of a report.

  • old (str) – The old report name.

  • new (str) – The new report name.

socube.utils.logging module

socube.utils.logging.log(name: str, msg: str, level: str = 'info', quiet: bool = False, *args, **kwargs) → None

Log a message.

  • name (str) – The name of the logger.

  • msg (str) – The message to be logged.

  • level (str) – The level of the message.

  • quiet (bool) – If True, the message will not be logged.

  • *args – The rest of the arguments will be passed to the logger.

  • **kwargs – The rest of the keyword arguments will be passed to the logger.


>>> log("mylogger", "hello world", level="debug")
>>> log("mylogger", "hello world", level="info")
>>> log("mylogger", "hello world", level="warn")
>>> log("mylogger", "hello world", level="error")
socube.utils.logging.getJobId() → str

Generate job id randomly. It’s useful to seperate different jobs.


Return type

a string id


>>> getJobId()
>>> getJobId()

socube.utils.mail module

This module provides some mail service tools

class socube.utils.mail.MailService(sender: str, passwd: str, server: str, port: int, nickname: str = 'SoCube', ssl: bool = True, verbose: bool = False)

Bases: socube.utils.context.ContextManagerBase

Provide basic SMTP mail service for mail sending. SMTP is the abbreviation of Simple Mail Transfer Protocol. For detail, please search it in google or bing. Context manager is supported. You can use it as following.

  • sender (str) – email address as a sender

  • passwd (str) – sender’s password for SMTP service. For some SMTP service vendors, this password is the same as password used to visit mail website, such as Zhejiang University Mail Service. But for other vendors like QQ Mail Service, you need use independent password for SMTP service. For detail, you need visit related mail service vendors.

  • server (str) – the domain of SMTP server. such as ‘’,’’, which provided by the mail service vendors.

  • port (int) – web port for SMTP service provided by service vendors.

  • nickname (str) – the nickname of sender when sending a mail

  • ssl (bool) – If True, use SSL for security.

  • verbose (bool) – If True, mail service will run in background without any output info.

>>> with MailService("", "password", "", 465) as ms
>>>     ms.sendText(...)
login() → bool

Login to enable service. After logining, you should use service before connection timeout.


Quit to close service and release resources occuppied

sendSelf(subject: str, text: str, attachments: List[str] = []) → bool

Send a plain text mail without any attachment to sendor himself.

  • subject (str) – the subject of email.

  • text (str) – email’s main text. rich html format is not supported.

  • attachments (List[str]) – a list of attachments’ filename. attachments which are not existed will be skipped automatically


Return type

bool, True if sending succeed, False if sending failed.

sendText(to_dict: Dict[str, str], subject: str, text: str, attachments: List[str] = []) → bool

Send a plain text email with or without attachments

  • to_dict (Dict[str, str]) – a dict of email address and nickname.

  • subject (str) – the subject of email.

  • text (str) – email’s main text. rich html format is not supported.

  • attachments (List[str]) – a list of attachments’ filename. attachments which are not existed will be skipped automatically


Return type

bool, True if sending succeed, False if sending failed.

property status

Is service available

socube.utils.memory module

socube.utils.memory.visualBytes(size: int) → str

Make memory size more friendly with proper unit.


size (a int type of bytes szie) –


Return type

a formated string with size unit.


>>> visualBytes(2<<20)
>>> visualBytes(18200565665)
socube.utils.memory.getGPUReport(*devices: int) → str

Get gpu memory usage of this program by pytorch.


devices (a list of device id) –


Return type

A string report of gpu memory

socube.utils.memory.autoClearIter(iter: Iterable[Any]) → email.generator.Generator

Create a generator to automatically clean GPU memory when iterating.

Module contents

This module and its submodules provide some basic tools